If you are looking for high quality smart vending machine from China, there is a company you could not miss, Micron Smart Vending.
Micron Smart Vending is a company focus on quality hardware and intelligent vending system development. Machines exported to more then 50 countries with high repurchase rate, 30,000 machines in the filed. Micron Smart Vending is the growing fast with global customers support.
Introducing cooling locker develop, produced by Micron Smart Vending. Advantage: for any un-regular and easy-broken food packing, such as egg, meat, fresh fruit, vegetables…
Every body need fresh egg, farm produced products. Lets make it self-service with Cooling locker vending machine. And this machine can be cooling, can be freezing. So basically supporting lots of different product.
If you are interested in smart vending machines, please contact us for more information.
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Micron Smart Vending